Many times when you go out with your friends, another person may offer to drive. Because you certainly enjoy having the ability to relax and save money on gas, you likely often take individuals up on this offer. What you may not fully realize, however, is that when you get into a vehicle as a passenger, you place your safety and life in the hands of the person driving the vehicle.

Even if you know the driver well and trust his or her skills, you could still end up being involved in a serious car accident. As a result, you may suffer serious injuries that take a considerable amount of time to recover from. There are several ways you can protect yourself while riding in someone else’s car, and one of the best safety measures to always wear your seat belt.

Why should you use a seat belt?

When you get behind the wheel to drive, you likely don’t think twice about buckling up. However, for some reason, when you get into a vehicle as a passenger, you may need a reminder to fasten your seat belt. Whether driving or riding in the passenger seat, buckling up increases your safety. Numerous reasons exist for using your seat belt, including:

  • Without seat belts, passengers can become projectiles. As a result, they can suffer serious injuries and injure others.
  • Wearing a seat belt can also help prevent you from being ejected in an accident.
  • Individuals in the rear seats of a vehicle have a 44 percent greater chance of surviving an accident. For rear-seated passengers in vans or SUVs, that percentage increases to 73 percent.
  • Using a seat belt can also increase the chances of surviving in a rollover accident. Individuals wearing seat belts in rollover crashes have a 45 percent greater chance of surviving, and that percentage increases to 60 percent when pickup trucks are involved.

Even in minor accidents, seat belts can help prevent more serious injuries from occurring. Therefore, buckling up as a driver or passenger should become your first instinct. Additionally, you may also want to remind your passengers to buckle up.

Have you suffered injuries in an accident?

If you were a passenger in a vehicle involved in an accident and you suffered serious injuries, you may wish to seek compensation for your injuries and other damages. Filing a personal injury claim against the driver considered to be at fault or other liable parties could help you pursue that restitution. It’s important to know that whether you were wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash could impact any potential monetary awards.

Attorney Timothy Manchin established the Manchin Injury Law Group in 2011 after his law partner of more than 25 years became a West Virginia circuit court judge. His focus is on helping individual clients and entire families victimized by negligent acts.

  • Taylor Downs was easy to talk to (I do not speak the legal language well!) and was very upfront and honest about the entire process of my case. He kept me updated as the case progressed, and answered my relentless questions. The end result was a favorable settlement that I’m not sure could have been any better with anyone else. In short, go see Taylor if you have a case. Don’t be intimidated to go seek his help, he won’t blow your brains out with “legal speak”.


  • Being referred to Taylor was the best thing I could have asked for. Taylor and staff are very easy to talk to. I would highly recommend them to anyone.


  • If I ever have to go through it again I would definetly call Taylor right away. The group was so helpful through my situation and handled everything that needed to be done. They made a stressful situation a stress free situation. With Taylor you dont have to worry about one thing. Definietly would recomend to anyone.

    - TAYLOR G.

  • Efficient, knowledgeable, and friendly.


  • Taylor and Tim helped make a difficult moment in life, a little more bearable. Easy to communicate with and informative. I will absolutely recommend them to everyone.


  • Manchin Injury Law Group, Took care of me when I got into a car accident while I was pregnant. Very scary moment for a first time mom but thankfully Manchin Injury Law Group had my back and treated me great. They made me feel as if I was part of their family. My son is now 7 Months Old and very happy and healthy. I’m very thankful for them for helping me through everything and getting me what we deserved. I 100% would recommend them to anyone. If I ever have an accident again they will be my number 1 phone call!


  • The support given helped me to feel like I was included in my personal injury case every step of the way. I was informed about the entire process throughout. It was amazing how quick the turn around time was and I would definitely recommend Attorney Timothy J. Manchin to anyone!


  • Taylor and Kelly worked hard on my case so I didn’t have to. Thanks guys!


  • Excellent experience dealing with Manchin Injury Law. They were very responsive, professional and easy to talk to. I did my homework before I hired a lawyer after my accident and I am so glad I found Manchin Injury Law Group. If you are injured, give them a call!


  • Taylor and Tim helped make a difficult moment in life, a little more bearable. Easy to communicate with and informative. I will absolutely recommend them to everyone.


  • Kelly and Taylor did all the hard work so that I didn’t have to. They both cared about my circumstance and got me a nice settlement. Taylor knows what he is doing and I felt comfortable with my case in his hands.


  • Great lawyers. They helped me with a West Virginia case.


  • Such a great experience with Taylor and this firm. Thankful for their diligence and their work on our case. Thank you to all!


  • Had a easy and smooth experience with a great attorney so when you go there make sure you ask for Taylor.


  • My experience at the Manchin Injury Law Group was extremely positive, and I would recommend them to anyone who needs a compassionate and experienced lawyer on their side.


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