According to the West Virginia Department of Transportation, 909 people suffered serious injuries as a result of car accidents between 2017 and 2021. Car accidents often result in a range of injuries, some of which may not be immediately apparent. This comprehensive guide on WV common car accident injuries aims to provide thorough information. Each year, countless individuals are affected by injuries sustained in car crashes, which can range from minor bruises to more serious, life-altering conditions. Understanding the what are the most common injuries in a car accident, their potential long-term effects and the steps to take following an accident is important for anyone involved in such an incident. From whiplash to traumatic brain injuries, the spectrum of possible harm is broad.

Top 9 Most Common Car Accident Injuries  

1. Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is a common neck injury that can occur due to sudden jerking forward and backward of the head. It is most associated with West Virginia car accidents, especially rear-end collisions. The injury usually results in neck muscle and ligament strains and stretches.

Symptoms of whiplash may include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and sometimes blurred vision or fatigue. It’s important to note that these symptoms might not appear immediately; they can develop hours or even days after the accident. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination and, if necessary, imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs to assess any further damage.

Treatment for whiplash usually includes pain management, often through over the counter or prescription medications, and physical therapy. Exercises to strengthen neck muscles and improve flexibility can be beneficial. In most cases, individuals with whiplash recover within a few weeks, although some might experience chronic neck pain or other lasting complications. Early treatment and following a recommended care plan can aid in a smoother recovery process.

2. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are serious concerns in car collisions. A TBI occurs when a sudden trauma, like an impact during a car crash, causes damage to the brain. These common injuries from car accidents can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage.

Symptoms of TBI following a car accident can vary widely, from headaches and confusion to more severe issues like loss of consciousness, memory problems, and changes in behavior. It’s crucial to monitor for symptoms after a car accident, as they might not appear immediately.

Long-term effects of a TBI can include chronic headaches, cognitive impairments, and emotional instability. Rehabilitation for TBI often involves a team of healthcare professionals and can include physical therapy, cognitive therapy, and counseling. The focus is on helping individuals regain as much function as possible.

Preventing TBIs in car accidents is key. Safety measures like wearing seat belts, using proper child safety seats, and driving cautiously are effective ways to reduce the risk of TBI in car collisions.

3. Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal cord damage is a grave consequence that can occur in auto accidents. When a car collision involves severe impact, the spinal cord may suffer injuries that range from mild bruising to permanent damage.

Treatment for spinal cord injuries typically begins with stabilizing the spine to prevent further injury. Medical interventions might include surgery, medication, and rehabilitation therapies. Coping strategies often involve physical therapy to maintain and enhance muscle function, occupational therapy to adapt to new ways of managing daily activities, and counseling to address emotional challenges.

Life after a spinal cord injury can be significantly different. Adaptations may be needed in the home and workplace to accommodate mobility limitations. Many individuals with spinal cord injuries lead active, fulfilling lives by finding new hobbies, participating in adaptive sports, and using assistive technologies. Support from family, friends, and support groups plays a crucial role in adapting to life after a spinal cord injury, offering both practical help and emotional encouragement. 

4. Broken Bones and Fractures

Broken bones and fractures are most common fatal injuries in car accidents. The force of a collision can cause various types of fractures, from simple breaks that require a cast to more complex ones needing surgical intervention.

The healing process for broken bones typically involves immobilization with a cast or splint, followed by physical therapy to restore strength and mobility. Physical therapy is a key part of recovery, helping individuals regain movement and prevent long-term complications. In some cases, healing can be a lengthy process, depending on the severity and location of the fracture.

Beyond the physical impact, experiencing a fracture in a car crash can also have an emotional toll. It’s not uncommon for individuals to feel anxious, frustrated, or depressed during their recovery. Support systems, including family, friends, and possibly support groups, are important in providing emotional comfort and practical assistance. Staying connected and seeking support can aid in coping with the challenges that come with healing from a fracture. 

5. Internal Injuries

Most common internal injuries from car accidents: Internal injuries in road traffic accidents can be serious and sometimes not immediately apparent. Internal bleeding and organ damage are common concerns in such incidents. The force of a collision can cause injuries to internal organs like the liver, spleen, or kidneys, or lead to internal bleeding that might not be visible externally.

Identifying internal injuries typically requires medical attention, as symptoms can vary and may be delayed. Signs to watch for include pain, swelling, dizziness, and fainting. Emergency care for internal injuries often involves imaging tests, like ultrasounds or CT scans, to diagnose the extent of the injury.

The risks and complications associated with internal injuries can be severe, including blood loss, infection, or long-term organ damage. This underscores the importance of immediate medical attention following a road traffic accident. Prompt evaluation by healthcare professionals ensures that any internal injuries are quickly identified and treated, which is vital for reducing the risk of serious complications. 

6. Cuts, Lacerations, and Scarring

Cuts, lacerations, and scarring from car wrecks are common injuries in car accidents. These injuries range from minor cuts that need simple first aid to deep lacerations requiring medical treatment. Immediate cleaning and bandaging of wounds can prevent infection and promote healing.

When it comes to managing scarring, treatment varies based on the severity and location of the scar. Options may include topical treatments, laser therapy, or surgical revision for more significant scars. Cosmetic concerns are a significant aspect of scarring, and various methods can help reduce the visibility of scars over time.

Beyond the physical aspect, scarring from car wrecks can have a psychological impact. Scars can affect an individual’s self-image and confidence, sometimes leading to emotional distress. Support from healthcare providers, counseling, and support groups can be beneficial. These resources offer emotional support and strategies to cope with the psychological effects of scarring. Engaging with a supportive community can also provide comfort and encouragement during the recovery and healing process. 

7. Psychological Trauma

Psychological trauma following a car accident is a significant issue that can manifest as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other mental health challenges. Individuals may experience anxiety, flashbacks, or persistent fear related to driving or traveling in vehicles.

Therapy and treatment for these mental health issues can vary. Professional counseling or therapy is often beneficial in addressing PTSD and other trauma-related conditions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one common approach that helps individuals manage and overcome their fears and anxieties. Additionally, support groups can offer a space for sharing experiences and coping strategies with others who have faced similar challenges.

Supporting a loved one through psychological trauma involves patience and understanding. Being available to listen, encouraging professional help, and offering emotional support can make a significant difference. It’s important to acknowledge their feelings and experiences, as well as to provide a safe and comforting environment for them to express and work through their trauma. 

8. Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a common long-term effect of car injuries. It can stem from various types of injuries, such as whiplash, spinal cord damage, or fractures. Managing this pain often requires a combination of medical and alternative therapies. Medical treatments might include pain medication, physical therapy, or in some cases, surgery. Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, massage, or yoga, can also be effective in managing pain and improving mobility.

The impact of chronic pain on daily life and work can be significant. It may limit an individual’s ability to perform certain tasks, affect concentration, and reduce overall productivity. The constant discomfort can also affect emotional well-being.

Support groups and resources play a vital role in helping individuals cope with the long-term effects of car injuries. These groups provide a platform to share experiences, offer mutual support, and discuss coping strategies. In addition, many communities and healthcare providers offer resources and programs specifically designed to help individuals manage chronic pain and improve their quality of life. 

9. Pediatric Injuries

Pediatric injuries in car accidents require special attention due to children’s unique physical and emotional needs. Injuries in children may range from minor bruises to more serious conditions like fractures or head injuries. Specialized pediatric treatment and care are essential to address these injuries properly. This includes not only immediate medical attention but also ongoing care to monitor the child’s physical recovery.

Beyond physical injuries, the emotional impact on a child involved in a car accident is an important consideration. Children may experience fear, anxiety, or stress following such an event. Providing emotional support through counseling or therapy can be beneficial in helping them cope with these feelings. Family support is also crucial during this time.

Support for families is equally important. Parents and caregivers might need guidance on how to support their child’s recovery and deal with their own emotional responses. Access to resources like child psychologists, support groups, and educational materials can aid families in navigating the recovery process, ensuring that both the physical and emotional well-being of the child and family are cared for. 

Rehabilitation and Recovery from Car Accident Injuries

Rehabilitation and recovery from common car accident injuries often involve a comprehensive approach. Physical rehabilitation is a key component, focusing on restoring movement, strength, and flexibility. This process can include exercises, stretches, and sometimes specialized treatments like hydrotherapy or electrical stimulation.

Occupational therapy plays a significant role in recovery, especially for those whose injuries affect daily tasks and job responsibilities. Occupational therapists help accident victims relearn or adapt ways to perform everyday activities, contributing to a better quality of life and greater independence.

Lifestyle changes and adaptive techniques are often necessary for a full recovery. These might include modifying the home or workplace to accommodate physical limitations, learning new ways to perform tasks, or using assistive devices. Such adaptations help individuals overcome challenges posed by their injuries, allowing them to resume their daily routines and activities as much as possible. The goal of rehabilitation and recovery is not just physical healing but also enabling individuals to regain control and independence in their lives. 

Understanding the different types of injuries that can occur in car accidents is vital. Each injury, whether it’s a physical trauma like whiplash, broken bones, and spinal injuries, or psychological impacts such as PTSD, requires specific attention and care. Recognizing symptoms early and knowing what steps to take following an accident can significantly affect the recovery process.

It is important for individuals involved in car accidents to seek professional medical advice and care when necessary. Timely medical attention not only aids in proper diagnosis and treatment but also ensures that any long-term effects are minimized. Additionally, seeking support for the emotional and psychological aftermath is just as important as addressing physical injuries.

Each individual’s journey to recovery is unique, and understanding the wide range of potential injuries can help in making informed decisions about care and treatment. Remember, prioritizing health and well-being after a car accident can lead to a more effective and comprehensive recovery.

Contact our West Virginia Car Accident Lawyers for Help

Remember, you don’t have to face the complexities of a car accident injury alone. Contacting experienced West Virginia Car Accident Lawyers like Timothy J Manchin can be the first step toward securing the compensation and support you deserve. Whether you’re in Bridgeport, Buckhannon, Clarksburg, Grafton, Kingwood, Morgantown, Philipp, Weston or anywhere in the state of West Virginia, seeking legal guidance can be instrumental in your journey to recovery. Call (304) 367-1862 or use the contact form on their website to connect with a team that prioritizes your well-being and is ready to advocate for your rights.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What are the most common injuries from car accidents?

The most common injuries from car accidents include whiplash, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spinal cord damage, broken bones and fractures, internal injuries, cuts, lacerations, scarring, psychological trauma, chronic pain, and pediatric injuries. Each injury varies in severity and requires different approaches for treatment and recovery.

2. How to prevent whiplash in a car accident?

Preventing whiplash involves ensuring proper seatbelt use, adjusting headrests to the correct height to support the head and neck, and driving cautiously to avoid sudden stops or collisions. While not all cases of whiplash can be prevented, these measures can significantly reduce the risk.

3. Why do concussions occur frequently in car crashes?

Concussions occur frequently in car crashes due to the sudden impact forces that can cause the brain to move rapidly within the skull. This movement can result in brain injury, making concussions a common outcome of the rapid acceleration and deceleration involved in car accidents.

4. What steps should you take immediately after a car accident injury?

Immediately after a car accident injury, it’s important to seek medical attention, even if injuries seem minor. Documenting the accident scene and your injuries can be helpful for legal and insurance purposes. Following medical advice for treatment and considering legal counsel for compensation are also critical steps.

5. How long does it take to recover from a car accident injury?

Recovery time from a car accident injury varies depending on the severity of the injuries. Minor injuries may heal within a few weeks, while more serious conditions like spinal cord injuries or TBIs could require months to years of rehabilitation and therapy.

6. Why seatbelts are crucial in preventing car accident injuries?

Seatbelts are crucial in preventing car accident injuries as they significantly reduce the risk of being thrown from the vehicle, reduce the impact with the interior of the car, and distribute the force of the collision across the stronger parts of the body, thereby lowering the risk of fatal injuries.

7. What types of physical therapy are needed after car accidents?

After car accidents, physical therapy may include exercises to restore movement and strength, stretches to improve flexibility, and specialized treatments like hydrotherapy or electrical stimulation. Occupational therapy may also be involved to help adapt daily tasks and activities.

8. How to identify hidden injuries after a car accident?

Identifying hidden injuries after a car accident involves monitoring for delayed symptoms such as pain, swelling, dizziness, or changes in physical or mental status. Seeking medical evaluation promptly after an accident is essential as some injuries, like internal damage or TBIs, may not show immediate symptoms.

9. Will insurance cover all car accident injury treatments?

Insurance coverage for car accident injury treatments varies by policy and the specifics of the accident. Generally, medical expenses related to the accident may be covered, but it’s important to review your insurance policy and consult with legal professionals to understand your coverage fully.

10. What are the long-term effects of spinal injuries from car accidents?

The long-term effects of spinal injuries from car accidents can include chronic pain, mobility limitations, and the need for lifestyle adaptations at home and work. Many individuals with spinal injuries lead active lives through rehabilitation, the use of assistive technologies, and support from healthcare professionals and communities.

A native of Martinsburg, Taylor B. Downs helped his grandfather on his family farm and orchard, where he learned about hard work and results. Taylor graduated from Martinsburg High School and went on to earn a B.A. in History and a B.S. in Political Science from Shepherd University. He then earned a law degree from West Virginia University College of Law in 2011.

Attorney Timothy Manchin established the Manchin Injury Law Group in 2011 after his law partner of more than 25 years became a West Virginia circuit court judge. His focus is on helping individual clients and entire families victimized by negligent acts.

  • Taylor Downs was easy to talk to (I do not speak the legal language well!) and was very upfront and honest about the entire process of my case. He kept me updated as the case progressed, and answered my relentless questions. The end result was a favorable settlement that I’m not sure could have been any better with anyone else. In short, go see Taylor if you have a case. Don’t be intimidated to go seek his help, he won’t blow your brains out with “legal speak”.


  • Being referred to Taylor was the best thing I could have asked for. Taylor and staff are very easy to talk to. I would highly recommend them to anyone.


  • If I ever have to go through it again I would definetly call Taylor right away. The group was so helpful through my situation and handled everything that needed to be done. They made a stressful situation a stress free situation. With Taylor you dont have to worry about one thing. Definietly would recomend to anyone.

    - TAYLOR G.

  • Efficient, knowledgeable, and friendly.


  • Taylor and Tim helped make a difficult moment in life, a little more bearable. Easy to communicate with and informative. I will absolutely recommend them to everyone.


  • Manchin Injury Law Group, Took care of me when I got into a car accident while I was pregnant. Very scary moment for a first time mom but thankfully Manchin Injury Law Group had my back and treated me great. They made me feel as if I was part of their family. My son is now 7 Months Old and very happy and healthy. I’m very thankful for them for helping me through everything and getting me what we deserved. I 100% would recommend them to anyone. If I ever have an accident again they will be my number 1 phone call!


  • The support given helped me to feel like I was included in my personal injury case every step of the way. I was informed about the entire process throughout. It was amazing how quick the turn around time was and I would definitely recommend Attorney Timothy J. Manchin to anyone!


  • Taylor and Kelly worked hard on my case so I didn’t have to. Thanks guys!


  • Excellent experience dealing with Manchin Injury Law. They were very responsive, professional and easy to talk to. I did my homework before I hired a lawyer after my accident and I am so glad I found Manchin Injury Law Group. If you are injured, give them a call!


  • Taylor and Tim helped make a difficult moment in life, a little more bearable. Easy to communicate with and informative. I will absolutely recommend them to everyone.


  • Kelly and Taylor did all the hard work so that I didn’t have to. They both cared about my circumstance and got me a nice settlement. Taylor knows what he is doing and I felt comfortable with my case in his hands.


  • Great lawyers. They helped me with a West Virginia case.


  • Such a great experience with Taylor and this firm. Thankful for their diligence and their work on our case. Thank you to all!


  • Had a easy and smooth experience with a great attorney so when you go there make sure you ask for Taylor.


  • My experience at the Manchin Injury Law Group was extremely positive, and I would recommend them to anyone who needs a compassionate and experienced lawyer on their side.


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We offer a free initial consultation at our office in the Manchin Professional Building — our home since 1983 — conveniently located in Fairmont.

If you are unable to visit our firm, we can come to your home or hospital room.

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